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Le printemps Simenon
Liège honours its best-known citizen at a new festival
The Printemps Simenon Festival organised by University of Liège (ULiège) and John Simenon, in collaboration with the City of Liège, will be held from 8 to 11 March 2023
To mark the 120th anniversary of his birth, the world's favourite French-speaking author will be the focus of activities organised in his hometown. The varied programme of this new festival will give people the opportunity to discover or rediscover the work of the world-famous writer from Liège.
Why a Simenon Festival?
  • To offer all Simenon lovers, wherever they come from, a range of events and meetings that will enable them to share and deepen their knowledge of the work and its creator.

  • To show the topicality of Simenon's work, by presenting recent projects and by giving a voice to current creators who claim his influence.

  • To strengthen the links between the City and its most famous internationally creator, by offering the people of Liège an opportunity to encounter Simenon, through a series of activities and events that will allow them to discover or rediscover him. 
The events of the pre-programme
The programme is not yet complete. It will develop as initiatives are created. Dates and agenda will be communicated in a few weeks.
Exhibition "Simenon, images du monde en crise" (images of a world in crisis) (provisional title)
At the Grand Curtius (Liège), from 8 March to 31 August 2023
Exhibition curator: Benoît Denis (ULiège)
Opening on 8 March 2023 - Official launch event of the Festival

Simenon Tour
Inauguration of the redesigned Simenon tour in Outremeuse and visit of the “Caque” as a digital walk with virtual reality reconstructions (collaboration between Simenon.tm, ULiège and the City of Liège's tourism office)

Meetings with comic book creators
The scriptwriters and cartoonists who are preparing a new series of Simenon adaptations for Dargaud, under the supervision of John Simenon, will be present in Liège during the Festival.

Literary meetings
Organised by the Liège novelist Philippe Marczewski and supported by the Jan Michalski Foundation (Switzerland), the meetings will bring together French and international writers who will all talk and debate about their relationship with Simenon.

A reading-dialogue of Simenon's African texts by Aïko Solovkine.
Retrospective at “Les Grignoux” cinemas (Liège), in collaboration with Dick Tomasovic (ULiège). A prestigious film guest will launch the retrospective and present the film selection.
Conference for the general public by Olivier Barrot, French journalist, writer, producer and television presenter. 
8, 9 and 10 March 2023
University colloquium: "Les études simenoniennes: bilans et perspectives" (Simenonian studies: results and perspectives), under the direction of Laurent Demoulin, associate professor, novelist, Curator of the Simenon Fund at the ULiège.
Après le Printemps Simenon
Après le 11 mars, plusieurs initiatives se poursuivront tout au long de l'année.
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