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Simenon - Nouvelle fresque street art
The Paliss'art route, with its street art masterpieces, is enriched by a new fresco in homage to one of Liège's most famous children: Georges Simenon.
Michaël Nicolaï and Olivier Hoffait, members of the Spray Can Arts collective, have signed this monumental work, installed in the heart of the novelist's birthplace: Outremeuse.
240 m2 of blue, rust, yellow and white.That's the least we could do for Liège's greatest author.
Surrounded by his books and titles translated into many languages, he is now displayed in color and large format in the heart of Outremeuse, the neighborhood where he grew up, alongside the language training centre, the museum centre and the Fonds Simenon, three institutes of the University of Liège.

Georges Simenon is a natural choice for the site occupied by the Université of Liège in Outremeuse (between Quai van Beneden and Rue de Pitteurs), as it houses the Aquarium-Museum, the “Maison de la Science”, the “Pôle Muséal et Culturel”, the “Pôle de Formation en Langues” (the section of Translation and Interpreting Studies, the “Institut Supérieur des Langues Vivantes”) and… the “Fonds Simenon”. 

On these premises currently undergoing major transformation – with the renovation of the Institute of Zoology, the creation of a new scenography for the Museum of Natural Sciences, the expansion of museum spaces – the new fresco symbolizes the international resonance of Simenon's work, underlining how his stories have transcended cultural and linguistic boundaries. 

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